No-Deportations - Residence Papers for All
About No-Deportations


The Butchers Apron

        Nellie de jongh


If you are liable to detention and deportation - you must

If you are liable to detention and deportation - you must at all times carry the following information on your person

Full name

Date of birth  - (copy of birth certificate, if you can)

Home Office Reference number

Home Office Port Reference number

Same details for any family members

Phone number of your:

Solicitor including their emergency number

Your MP including their emergency number

Your doctor (if there are any persistent medical problems with any member of your family or yourself)

Numbers of any friends/support group/campaign group

A mobile phone that doesn't take photos or give access to the internet, as phones that take photos or give access to the internet will be confiscated if you are detained

You Must have a file containing all your *legal documents and left next to your front door if in stable accommodation. (If a 'snatch squad' invades your home you will be able to insist that they let you take the file.)

A copy of this file should be left with some one who is not liable to detention and is easy to contact. If detained you can phone this person and ask them to make copies and post them to yourself and others.

If homeless you must carry this file at all times.

*Documents issued by the Home Office regarding your case are your property and you are entitled to have them. If the Home Office send documents to your solicitor they are still your property; insist that the solicitor gives you copies of all correspondence from the Home Office, do not take no for an answer.

If you are reporting 'You must' inform someone you are going to sign and give them a deadline for a return call saying you have not been detained. (Best practice: someone should accompany you.)

This person should have all your details and if doesn't hear from you they should contact reporting centre/police station to find out if you have been detained.

If detained at the first opportunity ring your solicitor if you have one, your friend/supporters.

Supporters of persons liable to detention/deportation

If someone you are supporting is detained either at a reporting centre or police station, it is unlikely that you will be able to speak to him or her.

However those detained at reporting centres or police stations are usually transferred to detention centres before removal and you can ring them there.

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Last updated 8 October, 2021