No-Deportations - Residence Papers for All
About No-Deportations


            What Moves
the World to Move?

              Never Doubt

The Butchers Apron

           Nellie de jongh

       Winning Campaigns

Self-Harm in Immigration Detention
26 Deaths Across the UK Detention Estate
Families/Individuals who Campaigned Against Deportation and Won


Updated 30 June, 2020


'No-Deportations' provides 'Signposting' to any one in the UK subject to UK immigration controls and does not want to leave the UK, for whatever reason

Whether they fear return to their country of origin

- for political reasons,

- fear of ethnic persecution,

- would face persecution for their gender preferences,

- wish to remain in the UK for economic reasons

- wish to remain in the UK for Social reasons

To this end 'No-Deportations' provides up to date reports on conditions in countries, who are a source of people traveling to the UK for political/economic reasons.

Where those subject to UK immigration controls, fall foul of those controls and are required to leave the UK. 'No-Deportations' will help families/individuals set up Anti-Deportation Campaigns, will try to find alternate legal avenues for them to remain in the UK.

Please be clear, 'No-Deportations' will only signpost, advise on setting up campaigns, we will not do the work of actually setting up a campaign.

We do not give legal advice or provide legal advice, but will read a persons UKBA documents refusing them leave to remain in the UK and 'signpost' accordingly.

All our information is provide freely to anyone without fear or favour

'No-Deportations' Survives on a Tiny Handfull of Standing Orders

Last updated 30 June, 2020